
Relationships Elevated!

PeakU's Mission is to mitigate domestic and dating violence by empowering teens and young adults to build and connect to their sense of self through educational resources, workshops, and community partnerships.

"I never knew what my values were, and now I am living up to them. What a life changer." - Maria M.

PeakU focuses on Building Intrinsic Value, not External Validation.

⅓ women and ⅕ men in the State of Utah report being a victim of domestic abuse.  Over 40% of the state’s homicides are rooted in domestic abuse.  And these numbers are on the rise throughout the US.  

School and societal pressures raise the temperature on relationships, often to harmful levels.  Let the PeakU curriculum introduce you to a self-empowered and dynamic perspective on relationships, starting with the one you have with yourself.  Self efficacy leads to a rewarding life. 

The PeakU curriculum prepares young people to safely invite others into their life, and to engage others with a mutually-established respect. 

 Elevate the input and we elevate the outcome. 

Engage Your Teens with PeakU

Please contact us at if you would like your school, community group, conference, etc. to get to PeakU!  We are based in Utah and expanding throughout the country.

What They're Saying About PeakU...

“With PeakU, I replaced fear with confidence.  And peace.”

“After taking this course, I feel so much calmer.  I now make decisions that are good for me.”

“PeakU is so simple and straightforward.  What a difference it has made in my life.” 

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